Thursday, December 18, 2008

Unity is What We Need by Evan King

My son Evan won third place in the state with this essay. When he wrote it, I liked it so much, I posted it on my blog. Today he found out he won third place in the state.


Today as I stand before you our great nation is again divided, just as it was in the time of the civil war. The division today might not be the North against the South but it is Democrat against Republicans, Christians against Muslims, Muslims against Jews, Black against White, Brown against Black, all with no middle ground.
Our nation is also divided on issues such as the economy, religion, abortion, immigration, and politics. Our nation is at war so this is a time for unity not division. Aesop’s famous quote “United we stand, divided we fall” has never been more important than today.
Our enemies wait at our front door while we debate issues with no common ground in near sight.
Our government has proved itself faithful to the American people time and time again. We need that faithfulness now. We need unity and decisions that represent all American people and their beliefs. We need unity to ensure our God given rights that were guaranteed by our forefathers as they designed the constitution. Thomas Jefferson said “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. For most of us, happiness means a united nation.
As leaders, we beg you, make decisions based on the good of the whole country, not just the interests of your business associates, or financial backers, or the wealthy, or only the opinion of your party. Benjamin Franklin said, “A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle.” Please consider us as a nation, and remember our enemy waits for us to fall.